Let's Talk Talent by Talent Plus

Talent Plus Research Experts Talk Data and Research

Talent Plus
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00:00 | 17:11

In this episode of Let’s Talk Talent, host Mark Epp chats with Talent Plus research experts Alice Pyclik and Jonah Garbin.

Talent Plus recognizes, engages, accelerates, and leads talent, talent strategies, and talent planning across organizations.

They discuss:

  • The importance of taking a data-driven approach to talent and how it can affect long-term decisions for your team.
  • Ever felt like the grass is greener at another job? That’s because it’s science. There’s research behind tenure and how it connects to engagement of employees over time.
  • Internal motivation is ultimately what drives employees to work hard, be ambitious and stay at their jobs long-term. But it’s up to an employer to aid in that internal motivation. 
  • How Talent Plus’ interviews and assessments enhance diversity, equity, and inclusion for an organization and the research behind it all.

Read our case study, Diversity Increases by 26% with Talent Assessment here.

Contact us today to learn more about how we predict performance and maximize human potentiality. Let’s Talk Talent!